Sunday, February 20, 2011

If It All Burned Tomorrow

Have you ever considered how you would live your life if you knew the precise day, hour and minute you would die? Honestly, think about it for a minute. Now consider how you would view life if you knew on that same day the world would be destroyed and everything else along with it. What within the world would matter to you? What would truly matter in the scope of eternity?

Today, we are persistently bombarded with materialism; targeted by the narrow-minded scope of a superficial world that believes it is all that matters. It denies eternity, and believes everything of worth is determined by what we make in the short lives we live on earth. When we turn on the television and watch commercials make their vain attempts to convince us to buy products we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't even like, suddenly our lives appear as small as they really are.

The point is, we ought to consider what really matters in our lives. What do we do with our time and resources that work to benefit us on the timetables of eternity? In Matthew 6:19 & 20, Jesus tells us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." Think about eternity, think about what we could be doing with our short lives today, to benefit us beyond the short flash of time we have on earth.


  1. then in that case can i have your plasma and xbox?

    :-] P.S.-faith is an awesome thing but it has no need for's been here for ages and will be her long after we are gone...the fact that i have breath in my lungs is a good enough reason so love and know the divine....speaking of lungs america's obsession with HEMI's and fossil fuels are no good for our children's and senior's respitory system.

    love and peace :)



    IF YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, QUIT PREACHING BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW AND HAVE A COPY OF THE BIBLE AND MOSTLY UNDERSTAND ... BUT WHAT WE REALLY NEED ARE CARS OR ASSISTANCE IN BUYING A CAR SUCH AS A PERSON PAYS 250 AND SOMEONE ELSE PAYS 250 THERE IS THE DOWN PAYMENT (EASY), GASOLINE, CLOTHING, HELP WITH OUR CAR INSURANCE, ASSISTANCE WITH HOW TO ACCESS EDUCATION AND FIND AND CREATE JOBS AND HELP IN ACQUIRING OUR FIRST HOME FOR OUR FAMILIES, SOMEONE TO TURN TO FOR SOME LAUNDRY DETERGENT OR SHAMPOO OR A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER, SOME NICE VOLUNTEERS TO HELP THE DISADVANTAGED AND LOW INCOME PEOPLE WITH MOVING EXPENSES AND VOLUNTEERS TO HELP MOVE BOXES AND FURNITURE, AN ERRAND RUNNING SERVICE ETC... LAST THING WE NEED IS MORE FOOD HAND OUTS AND RE-PEAT PROGRAMS FOR UTILITIES ... The "True Hearted Christian" "Just Gives It Away" and "Thinks Nothing of It" The Spirit of Giving should be through LOVE and it is scriptural "I was hungry and you fed me" but it is a CONCEPT of helping people not an INSTRUCTION from Christ to specifically Feed the Poor and not to help them to buy their own car (not specifically mentioned) This is so basic the Sheep and The Goats and the average person today feels that the Church has failed because they have been told "I am sorry we only help OUR MEMBERS with that problem" So Jesus said "I was a HOMELESS CHURCH MEMBER and you took me in?" This is sad and I pray that ALL THOSE WHO CLAIM TO KNOW AND LOVE CHRIST SHOULD TURN FROM THIS HYPOCRISY (CLUB/CHURCH MEMBERSHIP) and NOT JUDGE the poor and just assume that they are poor because they must be drug addicts???? What Would Jesus Do??? Well, he let them Beat him with whips and hang him on a cross to bleed to death! So I imagine that if a drug addict asked Christ to forgive him and to feed him food a hundred million thousand times, Christ would do so as the scripture states Whatever you ask of me, I will do. Why did Christ say this? Because he was setting the EXAMPLE OF LOVE. What is Love ... Long Suffering because we give our last dollar then that is more than $100 or more because we gave our all AND WE ARE BROKE BECAUSE OF IT (long suffering due to helping the poor "the poor helping the poor" as usual) This is TRULY PUTTING YOUR FAITH IN GOD AND NOT THE $$ MONEY (taking the risk by helping someone when you cannot even afford it) .. Christ wants us actively involved in SOLUTIONS for people NOT JUST A BUNCH OF PARROTS (PREACHERS) We are not all made to run around PREACHING and NOT DOING THE WORKS !!!!! LET'S WORK HARD INSTEAD! AMEN
