Thursday, September 29, 2011


Have you ever thought about the possibility that those who claim to have faith in Christ...

... those who attend church regularly...
... who lift their hands in worship...
... who carry and read their bibles even in public...

... that when they are called to account for sin and become offended at you...

... they may in-fact be deceived in their knowledge of who Christ is.

... and may be in danger of worshiping a god they've created rather than the Almighty.

Could it be that many who attend services and are very much involved in our churches today may be the goats Jesus talked about in Matthew 25:31-46? These "christians" (lowercase intentional) have a shallow understanding of grace, and they become hostile when the Word of God exposes sin in their lives and so they respond by manifesting the evil that still inhabits the center of their soul.

Where is the new birth which Jesus talks about (John 3:16)? Where is the living sacrifice of transformation as Paul talks about in Romans 12:1-2? or the new man/creation that has left the old way of life? Where is the proof of purchase? What evidence is there in this person's heart, soul, mind and strength that there is genuine love for Christ???

I confess that I've struggled with the flesh just like anyone else, but I've come to learn something incredible this past year... as though I finally stepped into adulthood of my faith in Christ. Until I am willing to crucify the flesh and die to the old man, my salvation is nothing more than standing at the gate of eternal life... window shopping!

Christianity is not merely a 'good idea' or some charitable philosophy. Christianity is embracing faith in its fullness... leaving behind the trivial cares and concerns of the world; finally able to see the full value that anything less than total abandonment of self is to remain lost in the power of sin and separation from the Lord God Almighty.

My friends, I pray you are not an imposter... I pray that you feel the serrated blade of God's truth cut you deep in your soul to know that your games with sin will cost you eternity if you die in it. Let your conviction lead you to repentance and embrace SALVATION, so that you may discover eternal life... and begin living the life God has been so desperate to give you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Growing Up

The other day I tuned into a conversation held between two young girls over the matter of which color baby-doll dress was "better" between the two of them. Their disagreement could not be resolved and so they parted ways in tears over the issue.

One may say that in a matter of time, these issues will resolve themselves as the girls grow up into maturity. However, is maturity merely a matter of time? Or is it something greater, perhaps having to do with experience, mentality, emotions, psyche... or even spirit? What determines the process of maturity in the human context?

As a matter of fact, people do not always mature and know how to settle their differences... even within the circle of those who put their faith in the same Lord and Maker of all. Paul addresses the believers of the Corinthian church in 1 Cor. 1:10-17 on the matter of divisions, saying "One of you says, 'I follow Paul'; another, 'I follow Apollos'; another, 'I follow Cephas'; still another, 'I follow Christ'" (v12).

Tragically, because of our limitations as a creature marred by sin and cursed since the Fall, we see but with a fixed lens of comprehension even when it comes to the Holy Scriptures; thus dividing the body of Christ by countless denominations and divisions which has consequently affected our ability to unite under the prevailing banner of Truth by the same Lord of all.

I believe, that however difficult it may appear, it is indeed possible to settle our differences and see past our limitations for the sake of serving Christ with pure heart. Perhaps then the ages would not linger in the propagation of the gospel message to reach every tribe and tongue!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why Fishermen?

In Matthew 4:13-22 we read of the calling of Jesus' first disciples, Peter, Andrew, James and John who were mere fishermen. For the entirety of his ministry, these men were among the inner circle of trust to Jesus; experiencing first hand the power and wisdom of God in human flesh; a special revelation unlike any prophet's experience in the history of humanity.

In Acts 4:8-13, we read these same fishermen, namely Peter and John, were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the wisdom of God before the Sanhedrin who were masters of the books of God's Law. The scholars and theologians were confounded by the apostles' words; concluding this could only be explained from their having been taught by Jesus.

Now if scholars and theologians who dedicated their lives since childhood to the study and memorization of God's law were bewildered by the seemingly uneducated followers of Christ, why do we find our ministers today criticized for having no formal education? After-all, what trophies did Peter and John present but Christ as their Savior?!

I bring this up only because I feel we are becoming a society that secretly desires the praise of men rather than God. When in-fact Truth, no matter the merit or title of the spokesman presenting it, remains Truth just the same as long as it is delivered by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Does Truth depend today upon our citing scholars of commentaries and professionals in order for the message to have credibility? Or have we forgotten the True Source from which God's power is made available to us? Without the Holy Spirit, we present the Scriptures in an absence of anointing which remains powerless and ineffective, contributing to the ever-spreading cancer of ungodliness in this nation.

My friends, we need more fishermen.