Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanks be to God

Is it any surprise that 2013 has already come barreling down the pike toward the finish line of the holidays? Christmas decorations have been up now in stores since as early as the day after Halloween and in some occasions even weeks earlier! Thanksgiving is upon us and it would appear that our mixed bag of emotions has hardly taken the time to process the occasion for which we draw together to give thanks for.

I propose, everyone falls into one of 3 major categories concerning the subject of Thanksgiving:
  1. Those who readily are able to express their thanks for all they have and even offer praise to God as the source for which all things come.
  2. Those who have experienced so much turmoil over the years that it is hardly possible to collect a single thought of thanksgiving at all.
  3. Those who tend to keep a scorecard of things worth thanksgiving and things not worth thanksgiving; often resulting in more negative results than positive.
Whichever category we happen to fall into, I should like to think there are certain things that all of us can agree on to some extent that are worthy of expressing thanks; all of which trace their roots back to God Himself.

Let us begin by declaring, "Thanks be to God" for the following priceless gifts:

  • For Life: God is our Heavenly Creator and these aspects reveal its value to us as something we should give our thanks to God. 
    • Pleasure: God made us for His pleasure and it is in Him that we find our greatest pleasure (Gen 3; Matt 16:15; Col 1:16). 
    • Purpose:  God gave man ability and responsibility (Gen 2:15; Jer 29:11; Eccl 12:13.
    • Privilege: God gave man the greatest privilege in the order of Creation (to bear His image) (Gen 1:26; Ps 8:4-6).
    • The French philosopher, Rene Descartes, said "I think, therefore I am"... meaning that even if all we can do is doubt our worth - the fact that we can "think" at all proves we have more value than nothing. God wants us to discover life in its fullest as He intended.

  •  For Truth: God is our Divine Teacher and these aspects reveal its value to us as something we should give our thanks to God.
    • Logic: God has given man the unique ability to reason and rule (Rom 1:20). To arrive at conclusions means we are capable of discerning what is true from what is false.
    • Law: God has given mankind His holy standards (Psalm 119; Rom 7:7; 1 John 2:4), in order that he might live right before Him.
    • Love: God has demonstrated truth in the life of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6; 15:10; Rom 5:8); the Way, the Truth and the Life.
    • Like driving on a highway without a single source of light is nothing short of suicide, so is life without truth. It is the substance which reveals the way to God and it is written clearly in the pages of God's Holy Word, the Bible.
  • For Hope: God is our Gracious Redeemer and these aspects reveal its value to us as something we should give our thanks to God.
    • Redemption: Jesus paid the price for our sin (Rom 3:24-26; Eph 1:7; Col 1:20); in his death, the wrath of God upon sin is fully satisfied.
    • Resurrection: Jesus offers new life by his authority and victory over death (John 11:25; Rom 6:4); taking our sin and shame to the grave then triumphing over it!
    • Reward: Jesus is preparing a place for God's people (John 14:1-6; 2 Cor 4:18); an eternal abode where we can bask in His presence for eternity.
    • The cross was once an object of hellish terror; a Roman instrument of oppressive domination. But the work of Christ transformed it into the ultimate symbol of hope; a reminder of the amazing grace of God.
As we approach the holiday of giving thanks, may we think about such precious gifts our Heavenly Father has given to us. Life is so much more than the trivial things and circumstances we find ourselves caught up in day after day. When we pause this Thanksgiving to express our thanks - may we be reminded of the treasures God has given us in Life, Truth and Hope; that we may live in the fullness of peace that He offers us through His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord!

God bless you and have a most Happy Thanksgiving in Jesus' name!

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