Monday, August 22, 2011

Perspective Thinking

As the ladybug stranded on a piece of drift wood lost upon the waves of the pacific, are we in our understanding of the infinite beyond of The Almighty God. We cannot fathom the depths and the reaches of the planet we belong to, let alone reason among one another the grand scheme of purpose to which we are here. Life is but a blink upon the endless sea of all existence; a lesser fraction than can ever be made divisible, we are so small and yet we cannot seem to perceive just how small we are compared to the infinite "mysterium tremendum" of the Almighty!

We think we know. We have the audacity to claim knowledge for ourselves. We crave wealth, power, and understanding yet we remain oh so ignorant to the endless perfection of our Holy Creator, the One and Only God. He who is beyond the capacity to know, is HOLY, He is Beyond, He is Further, Greater, MORE than MORE than... and we are powerless, weak, fragile, shattered, broken and helpless. Were it not for His will, we would cease to be, nay we would never be...

Such is the perspective we must hold to know how we must praise the Living God; to appreciate in our helplessly finite ability the LORD who is our Creator, Master, Deliverer, Savior, Fortress, Strength and oh how words simply fail us to describe He Who is so Holy!!! How can we do anything but worship Him? Praise Him? Honor Him? and Live for Him?

...yet... we betray Him... I weep for the loss of words for all creation...


  1. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "I am nothing; I have nothing; and I stand in need of all things." And, "The highest act of love is the giving of the best gift, and, if necessary, at the greatest cost, to the least deserving."~John Piper Thanking Him for extrodinary grace today.

  2. Yet we keep on trying to fool ourselves and hide behind facades. I'm very guilty of this. We also tend to like to compare ourselves to others in order to bolster our self importance. Sometimes even denominations like mine try to redefine sin in order to bolster self importance. it doesn't work. We need to be reminded of Psalm 8 -

    "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?"

    Our self-importance all comes from the one who created us and loved us enough to give His Son for us. That is what counts. Our sin, yes should make us weep, but his grace should should lead us into worship.....
