Today is my wife's birthday. It is a day of precious significance to me. As I look back over the years I've spent with her in contrast with the years before we met, there is an incredible difference between these two hemispheres of my life.
Before meeting my wife, I always felt like something was missing; that somehow things were not able to move forward in the direction I desired things to go. Before meeting my wife, I felt a void in my life that could not be filled by any other person. She has brought me sanity, structure, stability and strength which were not there before. She has brought me a sense of peace and potential that in all my years prior I failed to find on my own.
It brings to mind the story of Adam in the garden in Genesis 2 when God noted that it was not good for man to be alone. Surely, the Lord knew it was not good for me to be alone either. This is why I celebrate July 31st every year with a deep sense of joy - because it was on this day that God brought my most precious comrade into this world; my love - Kate Lynn.
Although our stories are rather very different, somehow the Lord directed us to the place of finding one another at Valley Forge. When I first laid eyes on her I was captivated by her heavenly smile and sparkling eyes. In the days to come, we found our love for each other and I found the missing pieces of my life all in one person. Every day I learn a little more about her; things that make her smile, things that inspire her to sing, things that bring her joy and laughter.
To think that somehow I might bless her is a humbling thought. Its as if a meager stable boy were to make a princess laugh. What a privilege it is to know you in the ways that I do Kate. So much more could be said - but it would take a lifetime to describe the fondness my heart has of you. I am so blessed... as if the presence of heaven is your train of glory. You are far more than beautiful in appearance for it is in the wisdom of your words and the tenderness of your love that your power shines so vividly into my life.
So on this, your birthday, may all the wishes and hopes and prayers of life be yours for the taking! Whatever I can do to serve you this day is a privilege and a passion to no end. I love you my darling! May our Lord bless you in every moment of the life we share together in His love. Happy Birthday!