Today I was inspired by a precious saint in the upper ranks of the Salvation Army. Commissioner Nancy Moretz shared much about her own life and relationship with her husband in the great years of their life spent together. Commissioner Larry R. Moretz, a hero of the faith, laid down his sword and was promoted to glory on May 16th, 2013.
According to his wife's testimony, the Commissioner was a reputable writer driven to encourage and inspire soldiers, officers and salvationists across the Eastern Territory, to live their lives in holy surrender to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His large collection of survived writings and sermons, remain an inspirational collection of teaching and comfort to Commissioner Nancy as she lives out the remainder of her days in service to her Commander in Chief, Christ our King.
This got me to thinking about my own writings and the value they may have for others during my life and those who may come long after me. After all, much of what I have come to know of the world has been handed down to me through the treasuries of well written literature. Indeed much of my own inspiration and framing of the Bible has been cast by the saints who have long been gone since the days they penned their wisdom upon the pages of their surviving works.
It is my hope to develop a discipline in my own writings so I might leave behind something of value for the benefit of others when the time comes for me to lay down my own sword for the promotion to glory. Whether these writings are regarded by some, if any, now or never, it is a risk I believe I should be willing to take in the hope that some might be led to Christ and find salvation for their souls.
With this, I will end with a recent captivating verse of Scripture that has helped me to understand my own place in the book of life. Paul writes to the believers in Corinth, "You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You
show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry,
written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on
tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts" (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).
May our lives be seen as such; living letters so that others may read our witness and put their hope in the source of our everlasting hope, Jesus Christ our Lord!