Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Divine Ordinance of the Council of Nicea

Isn't it amazing that 1687 years ago to this day the Nicene Creed was forged by the Council of Nicea - a document to standardize the confession of our faith in Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords - fully God and fully man; Incarnate Deity as the perfect propitiation between God and man. God works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will (eph 1:11); even to draw out heresies in order to highlight the need to establish correct doctrine. I praise God for His intricate workings throughout human history - settling the confrontations between the Truth of the Spirit and the lies of corrupted human flesh. Paul warns us to be on guard "If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" We must continue in our convictions of the truth that Jesus Christ is the only means of access and reconciliation to our Heavenly Father because of His unique and eternal nature. No other man or god is worthy of our allegiance and surrender. May we discover the matchless path of beauty in eternal life through our Lord and Savior. To God be the glory forever. Amen.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Parchment of the Soul

I am reminded of the deep and throbbing need the soul has for the Word of God. Whenever we fail to give ourselves to the study of God's Word our spirit immediately seeks for wisdom in worldly sources.

Like a child whose ignorance drives his curiosity forward to explore and gather knowlege to improve his perception on life so our souls crave the nourishing need for wisdom. However - just as a child whose impressionable nature may gather insite from unreliable sources and perverted values, so our souls are prone to such corruption.

When we are exposed to the Word of God we find the ultimate trustworthy source of wisdom to help shape our understanding and disciplines according to Truth. As the psalmist says in Psalm 119:11 God's Word is to be hidden in our heart through regular habits of reading, application, teaching and meditation, so we might not sin against God.

When our spirit wanes from the convictions of Truth and we are caught up in the anxieties of life and find ourselves wrestling with our sins it is because we are not giving ourselves to the wisdom of God through the reading and application of His Holy Scriptures. It is through the Word that we primarily come into our knowlege and relationship with the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us (Jesus Christ- John 1:1). Give yourself to the Word and find your spirit made wholly alive in the power of God!